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Writer's pictureLyssa Limbrecht-Moss

Powerful Analytics with a Human Touch

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Optimal340B is excited to announce our partnership with an amazing tech company within the 340B space that gives you powerful tools and actionable analytics at a moment’s notice.

Louvir was developed by and for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Ryan White Clinics and STI Grantees out of an understanding that the 340B Program is unnecessarily complex, confusing, fragmented, and burdensome. With Optimal340B founded out of a desire to provide the best of 340B services to program participants, partnering this powerful tech with our human touch just made sense.

The average covered entity is tasked with working with multiple claims vendors and partners and with millions of disparate data points, which all too often results in limited program visibility, increased compliance risks, and millions of dollars in lost 340B savings annually.

Louvir is the only vendor-agnostic solution to automatically and continuously monitor your 340B program, while Optimal340B provides the service to bring that data into more easily realized 340B revenue and higher compliance. By Optimal340B utilizing Louvir’s technology, we’ve eliminated the possibility of human error in our analytics, without losing our human touch of service. What’s better is that as the industry changes and new practices emerge, best practices, program compliance requirements and industry intelligence for maximizing return are programmed in and the algorithms automatically update.

If your entity is reliant solely on quarterly or less analyses and only once annual external audits, you’re most likely taking undue risks and missing out on valuable savings opportunities.

This is where Louvir’s state-of-the art technology with Optimal340B’s top-of-the-line services comes in.

Here are just some of the great tools Louvir’s technology provides:

  • Manufacturer Analysis

    • Comprehensive, NDC level impact analysis of manufacturer restrictions.

  • Pharmacy and TPA Network Analysis

    • Aggregated EHR, TPA and pharmacy data in one place helps to identify out-of-network and contracting opportunities.

  • Inventory Analysis

    • See historic and trending prescribing and purchase data insights driven by pricing, rebates, reimbursements, and vendor fees to ensure you aren’t being overcharged for 340B purchases.

  • Financial Reporting

    • View 340B Program financial statements in the format needed by your departments.

  • Compliance

    • Customize your own internal auditing plan & audit up to 100% of claims with a click of a button.

Our partnership solves the complex and dynamic nature of the 340B program by providing on-demand and constant analysis of the state of your 340B Program across all of your claims vendors, while leveraging industry intelligence derived from leading KPIs, best practices, and benchmarked data sets. We also provide at least twice annual external audits of 100% of your claims and our full support for your staff and partners to bring this actionable data to live results.

Based on past results, you could see monthly revenue increases between $22,000 and $70,000, while saving between 50 and 100 hours of work, and you get a dedicated point-of-contact for all things 340B. From reviewing performance metrics, to answering questions, to help on updating Policies & Procedures, we are the partnership to make your health system’s 340B better and easier than you thought possible.

Ask yourself: What could you do with that much extra time focusing on your main role? How many more patients could you serve with such an increase in your 340B Program? Can you really afford NOT to take action?

Reach out to Optimal340B today to schedule a demonstration of this powerful partnership and see how it can help your facility. 866-OPT340B (678-3402), or submit your information in our Contact Us section of our site.

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